The subscription for 2024-25 is £165, payable by 31 October. This is normally regarded as a minimum and members are encouraged to give more if they can. If you are a tax payer, you are also encouraged to use Gift Aid, which enables the Society to claim back 25% on your subscription, at no extra cost to you.

Full-time students are welcome without having to pay any subscription, and there may be a reduction for members joining after Christmas, at the discretion of the Treasurer.

The committee wants to ensure that no one should feel that they cannot continue to sing if they cannot afford the subscription. Please contact the Treasurer (in confidence) Kathy Hart: 07860 454894,

If a member has not paid their subscription by the time of the first concert, they are not allowed to sing.

Contact details will be requested when you join and are updated each September. We hold this information in a membership list and use it to record attendance and fee payments, to circulate general information by email and to cascade urgent messages, such as last-minute cancellation of rehearsals. Please return this form by the beginning of October.

You can review and download our membership form. This can be completed by typing your responses on your computer, then saving the document and emailing it to the Membership Secretary at, or printing it out and handing it in at a rehearsal. Alternatively, you can print out the blank form, and complete it by hand.

You can read/download our Privacy Policy.

If you decide to leave the choir, or take a term off during the year, please let the Membership Secretary know so that our records can be updated.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Wetherby Choral Society